Best locks for your budget in Princess Park

Push your budget to get the best lock fitted..

Lock replacement and install service for Princess Park

Replace your locks in Princess Park

H2K Services can replace broken, old or failing locks including : Anti-Snap Locks, Mortice Locks, Euro Cylinders, Combination Locks and more. Not sure what type of lock you have? we can help!

Increase your property security in Princess Park

Your property as a business owner is your livelihood and your home is your safe place, both need to be as secure as possible to give you peace of mind.
Adding additional locks is best way to keep criminals out! Yes you can add an alarm as a deterrent and CCTV with motion detection as a warning system, however burglars attack the weakest point of your property and H2K Services can advise how to secure it.

Property security in Princess Park

Are your locks on your doors British Standard and Anti-Bump/Snap were needed?
H2K Services can complete a risk assessment which includes checking that your locks meet the British Standard requirements. Some home insurance providers will insist that you have British Standard Locks installed on your exterior doors.
Are you windows secured correctly? Any windows on the ground floor of your property, or within easy reach, such as those above flat rooves, your windows should be secured correctly to help prevent against attempted burglary.

Property perimeter security in Princess Park

The contents of your property may be a thief’s target, however they’ve got to get near your property before they can break in.
One area which is commonly over looked is the perimeter of a property! Unfortunately in the UK we can’t use defenses that could intentionally harm an intruder and barb/razor wire is unsightly :-( however there are measures we can take to deter criminals. Request a security review by H2K Services.

Intruder Alarm Installation in Princess Park

For further information click here

CCTV Installation Princess Park

For further information click here,

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